Burning Season

It’s that time of year again, when the smell of smoke fills the Flint Hills and everything is black. And as much as burning STINKS (literally), we still have to do it, despite the complaints about the smoke. Guess what? The farmers and ranchers are actually right in the middle of the “heat” of battle, working to contain the burning flames. The cattle will be eating weeds this summer if we don’t burn. And the land would be taken over by invasive weeds, brush and trees if we didn’t burn!

Burning….. No it’s not fun. It’s not always pretty. And it takes a lot of strength and time to do it. Burning does not happen over night. It takes daysssssssssssss of preparation and work to get ready for the right conditions to set a fire. And they do it even though they get complaints. Farmers and ranchers……..they push through and keep their heads high!

The next time you may want to complain because of some smoke I’d encourage you to consider that we’re doing our job for multiple reasons. The farmers and ranchers are setting the fires, keeping watch to keep them contained and controlled. Ranch families stay up wondering when their husband is going to get home. And when he gets home….he’s definitely going to be black with soot! No burning is not always fun, but it is what is needed to keep the Flint Hills in tip top shape!

By yours truly, Me

Reese Greenwood